archangel's journal

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Modest, Shy, Meticulous, Reliable, Practical, Diligent, Intelligent and Analytical

Fussy, A Worrier, Overcritical, Harsh, Perfectionist and Conservative

Instinctively responsive to the needs of others, Virgos readily adapt to different people and changing circumstances by finding ways to make themselves useful. They do not have a desire to be in the spotlight. However, they can be very successful at promoting those who are.

Virgos are meticulous, practical perfectionists. They abhor sloppiness and disorganization. They are sometimes seen as being far too picky. However, when you want a job done right the first time get a Virgo to do it. Some Virgos are not above using an inability to achieve perfection as the excuse for their own idleness and unproductiveness, but this is out of character with their true nature.

Virgos have an inner drive to serve others, which must be met for them to be happy. They love to apply their analytical skills to solving the problems of others. They are generally perceived to be quite witty and entertaining, if a tad too critical. Because Virgos are worriers, they are prone to hypochondria. Virgos love material possessions and find it hard to accept anything that is not of the very best quality available.

The Virgo In Love:
Virgo is particular, practical and realistic rather than romantic. Virgos are slow-burning fuses in the art of lovemaking. Once properly ignited, situations can lead to an explosion of white heat that takes quite a while to cool down. They are, however, very fastidious and critical of the personal habits of others, which can be a big turn-off and prevent them from achieving a fulfilling relationship, or even participating at all in the messy business of involvement.

They are unwilling to discuss their innermost feelings with anyone save a very trusted confidante or lover. Anyone who wishes to get to know them deeply must be prepared to persevere, in which case they will prove a lifelong friend and ally or lover. Once Virgos have committed themselves to a lover, anyone showing interest in their lover is likely to spark a bout of jealousy. Overall, Virgos are devoted and readily willing to serve their mates.

Famous Virgos Include:
Lauren Bacall, Michael Jackson, D. H. Lawrence, Queen Elizabeth I, Sophia Loren, Sean Connery, Lily Tomlin, Raquel Welch, Grandma Moses, Tolstoy, H. L. Mencken, John Coltrane, Pavlov, Warren Buffett and Liliuokalani

Ideal Jobs Include:
Virgos are well-suited to be chemists, doctors, investigators, nutritionists, veterinarians, managers and entrepreneurs.

Lucky Numbers:
6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51

Planet: Mercury

Star Stone: Sardonyx

Element: Earth

Most Compatible With: Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Quote :

Sooner Or Later, We Have To Put Aside Our Denial And Face The World

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

RockYou FXText - Get Your Own

Thursday, July 06, 2006


hehehe abs liat2 fotonya kate bosworth sm aa orli...
ya ampunnn cocok bangeth yah,,,
gila orlando tuh romantis bangeth,
masa doi bilang gini :
"I'm a romantic, I'd rather take a bullet than let my love take a bullet"
sm satu lg,
"i always try to be a gentlemen"
aaawwww,,, so sweettt...
beruntung bangeth yah kate dapet doii...
huhuhhu jd pengeenn....
sbnrnya orlando itu gak cakep2 bangeth tauuu...
hanya saja..
dia itu too hot too resist...
oh my GOD...
who wants to resist a man like him???!!! hahahahahaaha
katenya juga cantik lagii..
jadiii HOT and BEAUTIFUL what a good combination hahahaaha

kmrn gwe lg iseng2 nonton cd2 download an gwe...
trus gwe nemuin ada wawancaranya FRIENDS for the last time,,
kita2 thn 2004 lah itu,,
dan didalemnya ada oprah bilang gini
"what would u do next?, are u goin to hv a baby?"
c jenny bilang "yes, i think i would"
trus ada yang dia bilang dia sedih bangeth ada berita2 klo dia sm brad mo ceraii,,,
trus dia bilang c brad lg shooting mr and mrs smith...
klo denger cara ceritanya jenny, sptnya dia cinta mati bangeth sm brad,,,
jd sedih klo liat kenyataan nya skrg doi cerai sm brad...
b*tc* bangeth angelina itu yahhh...
bete bangethhh... hahahahaa

ampe skrg gwe gak abs pikir, apa yang ada dipkiran nya katie holmes waktu doi mau pacaran sm tom cruise,,
selain tom nya tue bangeth, dia tuh org yang anehhh hahaha walaupun tampan...
katie holmes bisa dpt yang lbh mudah dan baik
tp klo dah cinta...
hahaha LOVE IS BLIND beybii...
gak mandang umur, jenis kelamin, harta, dan lain2... hahhahahahaha
skrg mreka dah punya anak..
mudah2an aja last long yah,,,
jgn in love cuma sesaat ajaaa

huaahh kmrn udah dibahas ni pasangan hahahahaa
eh ternyata keith itu dikasi 600rb US dollar per tahun dr nicole untuk dia hidup
tp klo dia udah mulai minum2 dan make obat2an semua itu akan hilang
bagus lah lo prenup nya spt itu
mudah2an mreka cpt dapet anak yahh
seneng ngeliat nicole kidman bahagia kaya gini skrg hehehehe

sekian dl deh, tar lanjut lg

Saturday, July 01, 2006

baby im baaaackkk
dah lama tak isi2
hmm lately im kinda busy with my school...
its sucks u know...
huaaa capek bangeth deh
lg UAS niyh...
sudah melewati digestivus, urinarius, integumen dan sensorik
huaa tinggal nervorum *sang MAUT, reproduksi dan endokrin oiya, anatomi permukaan sm integratif dilupakan hahahaha
mudah2an dr keempat yang telah di laksanakan setidaknya dua aja lulus... amieenn...

ohiya, td gwe pengajian gitu sm ada ustad gitu...
memang yah Allah itu maha segala2nya, Maha pemberani, Maha kaya, maha maha maha.....
ya Allah, kapan bs ketemu yah,,,
too much "Y" in my head...

eh, nicole kidman married bo kmrn,,,
about a weeks ago lah...
sm keith urban...
cakep uey keith nya...
hanya ada tiga yang di sayangin,,,
pertama keithnya itu mantan pecandu
kedua keithnya workaholic, even nicolenya juga workaholic gitu
ketiga each month nicole gives keith about 800.000 dollar, for him to live *ya smth like that lah..
sayang aja kayanya nicole nya gitu yang ngebiayayain keith...
but may their love last long until death due they apart..
dan mudah2an nicolenya cepet punya anak.. hehehe
tp secara dia emng susah juga gitu punya anak...

ahh pengen melepas penat...
i already make a vow, in my twenties i shud stop doin dat thang...
may Allah bless my vow...
klo kata desy ma anggie c, we shud stop doin dat when we met "someone"
dueeh begimana mo brenti klo gitu,, wong setiap met c someone, c abang someonenya gak pernah ngasi kepastian... hahahaha
aduuhhh emng KEPASTIAN itu paling penting dalam hidup...
emng monkey yah para pria2 laknat itu...
klo demen2 aje, lgsg donk ksi kepastian... hahahaha
kok jd curhat hahahaha

aduh pengen nonton film romantis niyh...
apa yaahhh....
kmrn sangking desperatenya gwe nonton laws of attraction ampe beribu2 kaliii
hahaha kesian bangeth yah...
absnya yah, klo nonton film romantis tuh rasanya kebawa seneng gitu... hahahaha
feels like u've been in love urself... hahahaha
like u cant stop smiling hehehee

aaahh ngantuk,,, udah nguap like a hundred times niyh..
its time to go...
hahaha berasa ada yang baca ajaa...
salam peace love n g4ul... HAHAHAHAHAHA

Thursday, April 20, 2006

me and my little baby... hihihihi...
im here for u always...
no matter what....
jgn bersedih putri kecil bunda...
bunda menjagamu kok diatas sn...

look, this what i've learn after all she's been through...
people may change for the one they love,,,
theres two side effect when people we've love left us...
one, they who take it so badly,what i mean is, they who dont have any future... they turn into nasty and rebel...
and two, they who's going to be a tough guy and face the rest of their life with smile, even in their heart there's a pain that never can be heal...
dan effect itu bukan hanya kepada org itu saja, tp kepada semua org....
for me evrything change,,, i've to learn how to love your mom more before she's left us... we shud never disappointed her...
jujur sejak vivi keilangan nykpnya gwe jd takut sm yang namanya kematian,,, gak pnah ngebayangin aja...
makanya itu sampe skrg gwe gak tau apa yang vivi rasain skrg,,,
i hope THE ALMIGHTY give a long life to my parent...
im very glad i've still had the two of them....

Thursday, April 13, 2006

so sick.. hahahaha
so sick of this kind of life...
i want free life...
aahhhh sh*it mothaf**ka.... hahahhaha
bntr lg mo uts niyh, doakannn....pusing2 mo ngapain jugaaa...
aduuhhh udah kebelet niyh pengen jd dokter benerannn... hehehehehe
kapan ya tuhaaannn...... spt waktu berjalan lama sekaliiii...
arrrgghh bosannn,,, penaaatttt.....